薛芸如 (東吳、清大學生,元智同事)
08/11/20 19:52
簡嘉菁(東吳日文所博士/ 研究助理)
08/11/20 19:28
08/11/20 19:20
It was with great sadness that many of us in the field of Chinese linguistics learned of the passing away of Professor Ting-Chi Charles Tang, a distinguished generative linguist who dedicated his entire career to the integration of generative theory with the study of Chinese, the nativization of formal linguistics in the Chinese-speaking world, and the education of several generations of linguists in Taiwan. Read More…
08/11/20 19:02
方麗雅 (元智大學應外系學生)
08/11/20 18:50
李政翰 (元智應外系學生)
08/11/20 18:48
李維倫 (元智大學應外系學生)
08/11/20 18:44
黃巧慧 (元智大學共事同仁)
08/11/20 18:41
顏秀珊 (清華大學臺灣語言研究與教學研究所博士)
08/11/20 18:37
郭獻尹 (東吳日文所博士)
08/11/20 18:34
安西真理子 (輔仁大學跨文化研究所碩士)
08/11/20 18:26
林信甫 (輔仁大學跨文化研究所共事同仁/ 湯家班成員)
08/11/20 18:20
林郁芯 (輔仁大學跨文化研究所博士生)
08/11/20 18:16
洪育盈 (輔仁大學語言所碩士)
08/11/20 18:10
張祐禎 (輔仁大學跨文化研究所在職碩士生)
08/11/20 18:08
黃品淨 (輔仁大學語言所碩士)
08/11/20 18:04
08/11/20 17:59
Read More…葉竺弦 (輔仁大學語言所碩士)
08/11/20 17:57
吾愛真理,吾更愛吾師 – 追憶湯廷池老師
Read More…謝嘉盈 (輔大跨文化研究所碩士)
08/11/20 17:48
齋藤齊 (輔仁大學跨文化研究所博士生)
08/11/20 17:42
齐涛云 (輔仁大學跨文化研究所博士)
08/11/20 17:41