Editor’s Note

With great support and help from senior colleagues and friends, the seventh issue of UST WORKING PAPERS IN LINGUISTICS (USTWPL) is published by Graduate Institute of Linguistics at National Tsing Hua University in Taiwan. The initial purpose of USTWPL is to aim for promoting interest and communication with respect to linguistics among faculties, students and scholars of the University System of Taiwan.

We are grateful to all the anonymous referees for their efforts and precious comments on the drafts submitted to USTWPL. Also, we thank all the contributors for their patience and commitment during the process of reviewing and editing. Finally, we appreciate the Graduate Institute of Linguistics at Naitonal Tsing Hua University for the financial support and all the helps making the publication smoothly. 

Chao-Kai Shih
Sêng-hiân Lâu



Volume 7 (2013)



Title Pages Download

Wan-Ling Tsai

The perfectness of the sentential particle le in Mandarin Chinese


Tsai-Heng Tiffany Yang

Distributivity in Mandarin Chinese


Chia-yin Erica Hu

Sheng ‘win’ and Bai ‘lose’ Revisited






Copyright © 2019 University System of Taiwan Working Papers in Linguistics, National Tsing Hua University, All rights reserved.